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Wretched mess
fly fishing reps & companies

Date of Event

Friday & Saturday, September 5th & 6th, 2025


Union Pacific Dining Lodge, 220 Yellowstone Avenue in West Yellowstone, Montana


Friday: Set Up 10am-1:30pm; Booths open 2pm-7pm; Breakdown from 7pm-8pm.

Saturday: Set Up time 7am-9:30am; Booths open 10am-7pm; Breakdown 7pm-8pm.

Early Breakdown permitted only if deemed necessary by organizers. 

Booth Fees

10'x10' single booth space $500.

Space only-no tents, tables, or electricity provided. No refunds for bad weather

guidlines & Regulations

Professional Conduct

This is a community event and all exhibitors are expected to only display items that reflects this atmosphere. Items that do not meet this standard will be rejected and will have to be removed immediately by the exhibitors.

Insurance and Liability

Exhibitors participate entirely at their own risk and accept responsibility for stolen or damaged items. Exhibitors agree to release the West Yellowstone Foundation from all liability or damage to person or property and to indemnify and hold harmless the WYF for all claims, lawsuits, or judgements that may come about as a result of the use of your booth space. This indemnification also includes costs for legal representation and other expenses incurred by the WYF in connection with any action or defense


On site sales are prohibited.

Your booth space will be indoors at the Union Pacific Dining Lodge. It will be under lock and key 9pm Friday to 7am Saturday. However, please consider there is no overnight security at the event. 

Exhibitors must abide by any applicable fire and venue regulations.

Exhibitors not in compliance with the guidelines and regulations will be asked to leave the event immediately without a refund.


Cancellations: Exhibitors may cancel their participation in the event by July 1st for a full refund of their fee. No refunds will be given after July 1st, 2025. 

Fishing reps & Company Registration

Is access to electricty essential for your booth?

Your booth space will be indoors, however, if you need an additional 10' x 10' outdoor space please let us know by checking the box below

Please provide a short description of what will be on display at your booth.

Please upload an image of your logo if available

Upload File
Upload File

By signing, you agree to pay the appropriate fees associated with participating in the 2025 Wretched Mess Fest and have read and agree to adhere to the guidelines and regulation provided.

Thank you for registering!

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