What's your wretched mess?
Artist Showcase
A locals only call for entry
Are you a local artist residing in the West Yellowstone/Hebgen Basin/Island Park region?
Calling all local artists! Join the Wretched Mess Arts Fest - in our exclusive artist showcase - for a great opportunity to showcase your work, meet fellow artists, and build a vibrant community of arts and culture. We want to feature a diverse selection of local talent and need you in this one-of-a-kind event! Let’s come together with like-minded creatives and share our passion for the arts!

A few things
to consider
aka terms and conditions
Art works in the showcase are for display only and no sales are permitted.
Artists can submit up to three pieces of artwork.
All mediums are welcome.
2 Dimensional works must be matted and framed.
Artwork that represents political statements or adult themes are not permitted.
All work must be original and made by submitting artists.
The artists must secure piece(s) responsibly for transport.​ ​
​Though our festival organizers will take great care in storing and curating your work, the West Yellowstone Foundation and Wretched Mess Arts Fest organizers are not liable for any loss or damage that may occur.
Any pieces that weigh more than 20lbs and/or whose dimensions are larger than 4ft must be dropped off by the artists on the day of the event. Artist must contact organizers to make drop off arrangements.
All other pieces are required to be dropped off at the West Yellowstone Foundation before August 25, 2025. Please contact festival organizer to make arrangements.
Contacts- Jessica Picone Kohl: jessapicone@gmail.com OR Becky Gallegos: g.miribe@gmail.com to schedule a time to drop off your artwork or for any other questions you have.